Communications and Project Support

Four Rivers works with communities to build internal capacity in the resource development sector to ‘bridge the gap’ from the community outwards.  Major barriers often exist for communities in their efforts to lead lands and resource developments in their homelands.  These challenges are often based in the absence of established communication processes to successfully link community members to the information required for informed decision-making.

The ultimate goal of all Four Rivers’ services is successful communities who are well-informed, knowledgeable, and able to fully able to participate in projects and initiatives that are happening within their homelands. Four Rivers has developed proven models of community communication and engagement processes that have been effectively applied by First Nations in Northern Ontario. We work directly with communities to identify their capacity needs, which can include the development of lands & resource offices; environmental youth outreach and engagement; traditional knowledge values collection support; environmental monitoring training courses; and the development of community specific communication outreach/engagement initiatives.

Four Rivers’ communication services are wide-ranging, and apply a holistic approach to communication barriers.  Every community’s or project’s unique constraints are considered when developing appropriate communication strategies, and we regularly apply creative or innovative solutions in addition to tried and tested strategies to convey information. Our team has a proven track record of organizing and facilitating many successful large and small scale meetings, events, workshops and conferences.  We are comfortable working with many different types of communication media and multiple languages.

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