Four Rivers has been assisting the Lands and Resources department in Constance Lake First Nation on a project studying Caribou. Using trail cameras, research is being undertaken on the range of Woodland Caribou in the Pagwachuan Caribou range. It has long been thought that Caribou no longer exist south of Highway 11 due to pressures from industrial practices like forestry and mining. Constance Lake and Four Rivers hope to confirm the presence of Caribou south of the highway after hearing about observations of Caribou tracks made by community members that hunt and trap in the area.
Although most camera data is yet to be analyzed, a number of species have been identified in the images already including Black Bear, Eastern Gray Wolf, Ermine, Gray Fox, Lynx, Moose, Otter, Pine Marten, Rabbit, Red Fox, Sandhill Crane and Spruce Grouse
Pictured below is Constance Lake councilor Wayne Neegan who was excited to get out into the field to play in the snow!